Monday, April 4, 2011



It is used to mean a textbook of which the teacher and each student has a copy, and which is in principle to be followed as the basis for a language course.
In favour of using a coursebook

Coursebook Why?
Framework It gives us a sense of structure and progress.
Syllabus If it’s followed a planned and balanced selección of language content will be covered.
Ready-made texts and tasks It provides texts and Earning tasks which are likely to be of and appropiate level for most of the class.
Economy A book is the cheapest way of providing Earning material for each learner.
Convenience A book is conveniente package.
Guidance It can provide useful guidance and support.
Autonomy A student without a coursebook is more teacher- dependent.

 Against using a coursebook

Coursebook Why?
Inadequacy It can´t supply every class needs.
Irrelevante Topics may not be relevante OR interesting for your class.
Limitación It may inhibit teacher´s initiative and creativity.
Homogeneity It doesn´t provide a variety of levels of abilities and knowledge or learning styles and strategies.
Over- easiness It too easy follows a coursebook.

If I need expressing my point of view I have to say I´m for the use of coursebook instead against. However, coursebook must be taken as a guide, a structure to follow when we are organizing our course.
Points like inadequacy and irrelevante will be present in our life as a teacher because we can prepare a very good class, we have considered each factor but our class can be a complete failure.

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