Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Evaluation of English Language Textbooks

Evaluation of English language textbook:  Some important issues for consideration.

Evaluation of textbooks

Predictive Evaluation

Retrospective Evaluation
It is done for the purpose of the selection of books.
It is on-going evaluation of the textbooks which takes place after the book has been selected for use.

Predictive Evaluation: there are two main types of predictive evaluation of textbooks:
ü  The Implicit Model
ü  The Explicit Model
The Implicit Model:
ü  It is based on impressions.
ü  It depends on taecher intuitions.
ü  It can be good when it is done by experienced teachers.
The Explicit Model:
ü  It can be used in situations where many teachers teach a particular level.
ü  It is done using a evaluation in the form of a checklist.
ü  Some Problems in Predictive Evaluation
ü  The lack of time.
ü  The use of evaluation instrument which especially if untested for reliability and validity.

Retrospective Evaluation: It is known as in-use evaluation of textbooks. This involves continuous evaluation of the textbook. It is done for several reasons:
ü  The book selected can be evaluated and re-evaluated to determine suitability.
ü  Teachers can use the results to make the book more effective by identifying parts that need attention.
Retrospective Evaluation gives us:
Composite Framework
ü  Teachers work on the retrospective evaluation project will be discovering the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook.
ü  The findings of the textbook evaluation will allow teachers teaching the same level.
Activity Sequence
ü  Using the checklist teachers do team evaluation periodically.
ü  Teachers work on getting the textbook pages to be digitized in the form of textfiles.
ü  Teachers keep reflective journals.
ü  A final evaluation should be carried out after the teachers have completely used the book.

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