Saturday, March 26, 2011


Course: English, 8° básico
Instructor: Claudio Pérez Peña.
Office hours: 20 modules. 3 modules per week
Location in the curriculum: Sub- sector English
Course Format: Classroom mode
Course Requirement: class participation. Approval 4.0
Required text: Travelers, 8°. Alvarado Jantus,Lina

Course description

This course aims to develop, in students, a positive reinforcement to appreciate their country, at the same time the world they live, through the work of writing and speaking skills using materials and activities suitable for this.

General objetives 

  • Appreciating cultural, historical and social of Chile.
  • Assessing lifestyle and interpersonal differences.
  • Demonstrating metacognitive abilities to confront the work.

Date/ Session numberObjetives/ SkillsActivities/ Material
UNIT 1 Cultural Elements
Session 1 My CountryIdentifying Chile´s National Symbols to promote students' patriotism.
Using possessive adjectives.
Writing Skill.
Students look for photographs or images of National Symbols in books or magazines.
Write a description about each image.
Students create a album with pictures and information.
Group work.
Session 2 Chile´s National DanceInvestigating the origins and characteristics of La Cueca to understand where does it come from? And what do the dance
Using it is or it isn´t
steps represent?Writing Skill.
Students talk among them about the topic.
Students write a short composition about La Cueca with the information obtained before.
Students share the information with their class.
Individual work.
Session 3 A Chilean CelebrationRecognize the characters of the Independence of Chile, to assess and identify them by their contributions to the history of our country.
Using verb to be present v/s verb to be past.
Speaking Skill.
Show a set of images and students choose one.
Students write a presentation with the character.
Students perform a role play emphasizing the characteristics of the chosen character.
They use internet or books to get the information.
Group work.
Session 4 Myths and LegendsRecognizing the traditions and how they are part of the National Culture.
Using did or didn´t.
Speaking skill.
Students talk about the myths and legends of our country.
Students tell their favorite myth or legend in front of the class.
They can support the information with a PowerPoint presentation.
Set of questions about how many of this stories they knew and where they are most famous.
Individual work.
Session 5 Chilean WritersRecognizing Chilean writer´s names and some of his works.
Using was or were.
Writing Skill.
Name Chilean writers and ask what they know about them.
Choose a writer and write their biography including personal information and work one.
Tell about your writer.
Individual work.
Session 6 Easter IslandSelecting information about the topic to recognize this area of
Using can/ can´t.
Chile. Speaking Skill.
Name places or monuments in the island. Can they identify them?
Students create a dialog performing a role play as a tourist and a tourist guide.
Write a brainstorming with the information got in the presentations.
Group work.
Session 7 Why do I love Chile?Naming the characteristics that make them love the country.
Using I love, I like.
Writing skill.
Brainstorming with places, cities, and people of Chile.
Students write things that they like of the country.
Students write a review describing those things.
Student give to the teacher their written work.
Individual work.
UNIT 2 People and Places
Session 8 Country v/s CityDescribing the differences between countryside and
Using have or haven´t.
the city. Speaking skill.
Write a list of characteristic elements of those places.
Students create a dialogue between a country and a city person emphasizing the description of where everyone lives.
Students present their performance.
Group work.
Session 9 How do the people live?Recognizing the different ways of living in the world and what factors affect people.
Using adjectives to describe the weather. Writing skill.
Set of pictures of different countries to comment about them.
Students choose a country , look for información about the country and then, they write a composition about how people live in that country.
They give the composition to the teacher.
Group work.
Session 10 Interesting peopleDescribing an interesting character to see how his or her life has helped the world.
Using simple past.
Speaking skill.
Students name different characters in the world.
They choose one.
Students represent the character talking about his life and his contributions to the world.
Individual work.
Session 11 Beatiful PlacesIdentifying places and their characteristics that make them especial.
Using Comparatives and Superlatives adjectives.
Writnig skill
Brainstorming about places they like to go on vacations.
Students choose a place and write a tourist guide about this.
They present their guide.
Group work.
Session 12 I want to live thereExpressing feelings.
Using would like.
Speaking skill
Present a list of places and talk about them.
Students choose one and discourse about it.
They answer the question What do you like about it?
Individual work.
Session 13 I met him/herDescribing people.
Using past tense.
Writing skill.
They choose an important person in their life.
Students write a story of how, where, when and by who knew him.
They give the story to the teacher.
Individual work.
Session 14 A date with my artistDescribing emotions and feelings.
Using simple present.
Writing skill.
Name artists and feelings they produce in the students.
Students write an interview with your favorite artists considering possible responses.
They give the teacher a summary about the emotions they fell speaking with the artist. Individual work.
UNIT 3 Different Lifestyles
Session 15 Rich and famousIdentifying differences lifestyle people follow.
Using Would like/ Wouldn´t like.
Writing skill.
Brainstorming about these people.
Students write a decalogue called if I were rich and famous.
They comment the most important idea in the Decalogue.
Individual work.
Session 16 Poor and homelessIdentifying differences lifestyle people follow.
Using Hate and Hope.
Writing skill.
Talk about needs these people have.
Students create a campaign for donations to support shelters for these people.
They present their campaigns.
Group work.
Session 17 Yong PeopleNaming trends for young people to recognize what do they identify with?
Using verb To be; affirmative sentences.. Writing skill.
Set of images about different looks people use.
Students write a composition called I´m, where they explain their style.
They tell to the other student how they are. Individual work.
Session 18 Adult ActivitiesDevelop critical thinking about the topic.
Speaking skill.
Write ideas about adults’ activities.
Students perform a role play with different professions, emphasizing the characteristics of these.
They answers what do they think about adults?
Individual work.
Session 19 Working ProfessionalsDevelop critical thinking about the topic.
Using future: Will or Going to.
Speaking skill.
Set of questions like What do we have to do to get a good job?
Students write a story about a professional they know telling their effort to be professional.
They tell us if they want to be professionals or not.
Group work.
Session 20 How do I live?Justifying personal preferences.
Speaking skill.
Set of questions in which they tell us likes, dislikes.
Students talk about their life, good and bad things.
They tell us their idea about the life.
Individual work.




  • It is an overall specification or a programme of what is to be taught in a particular course.
  • It is a comprehensible list of contents items and process ones.
  • It is ordered; easier, more essential items first.
  • It has explicit objectives.
  • It is a public document.
  • It may indicate a time schedule.
  • It may recommend materials.

  • Grammatical
  • Lexical
  • Grammatical-lexical
  • Situational
  • Topic- based
  • Notional
  • Functional- notional
  • Mixed or multi-strand
  • Procedural
  • Process

  • Using the syllabus varies between different countries and institutions and depends on financial resource as well as on teaching approach.

Sunday, March 20, 2011




# Transform the input into comprehensible input
# It allows us:
  • Have the attention of the students.
  • Define how their perception is working?
  • If they are making connections with other things.
Activity 1

Look for a presentation of the activities in the books given and say if this is effective or not

Name of the book: My pals are here!
Grade: English 5A
Pages: 8 and 9

1. - Engage pupils' prior knowledge of restaurants by showing them items commonly seen at restaurants.
Eg. A restaurant menu, an apron, a restaurant bill. Ask pupils, what are these? Where have you seen them before?
2. - Get pupils to share their dining experiences with the class.


"This presentation in effective because it gets the attention of the students, the perception starts to work and they can create connections between the activity and their own experience"

  • ATTENTION, they can mention everything they know about the topic.
  • PERCEPTION, maybe they have seen a menu, a bill or other item used in restaurants and they know how it works? Or what is it used?
  • CONNECTION, they have visited a restaurant with their family, then, they can use their personal experience to share with the classmates.


Teaching English is a process related to several concepts:

Skills: We have to be clear about what skill we want to work? These can be:
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
Listening and Speaking are receptive skills and Writing and Speaking are productive ones.

Other concepts can be:
  • Objectives
  • Activities
  • Strategies
  • Metacognition
  • Projects
  • Values
  • Parent's Meeting
  • Grouping
  • Timing
  • Discipline
  • Bullyng
  • Culture
  • Textbook
  • Teaching Training

What is methodology?

"Methodology is a set of principles and procedures to achieve learning"

It is related to:

  • Methods
  • Currilum
  • Lesson Plan
  • Strategies
  • Materials 
  • Context